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  • Writer's pictureDavid Daniels

Merry Christmas Everyone - Time For Reflection

So here we are again.

2022 is coming to a close even though it feels like it’s only just started.

At this time, I think we all start to wonder what next year will bring. I don’t think any of us could have imagined the crisis that was coming when we looked forward to this year!?

However, even in the tough state we’ve all been living through, I need to say how thankful I am for everyone and everything around me.

Firstly, I don’t think it’s possible to put into words how thankful I am to all of my colleagues at ITSL Group. Val Gaffney, Vicki Jorgensen, David Savage, Steve Clarke, Rob Wilkinson, Al Gray, Scott Flaherty, Lee Skevington, Boris Soklev, Hristina Stefanova & Petia Braikova.

I work with amazing people and most of the time, everyone just gets on with their job without any additional recognition. So, I’m thanking you all personally. I cannot wait to push forward and continue our excellent growth through the next 12 months and of course, beyond.

I also need to thank all of my customers throughout this year. Many new ones, and many existing customers that keep coming back for more. We must be doing something right!!

I’ve even won 3 new customer deals in the week running up to Christmas, so it’s still all hands on deck!

And then there is the undeniably brilliant AV supply channel. From manufacturers through distribution and then on to ourselves. You all support us greatly. Without your help, we wouldn’t have a business. You’ve provided alternative solutions when stock issues have been a nightmare, and you’ve provided us with ongoing pricing support and technical help whenever needed. None of you have faulted at all. For that, I’m also very thankful. You all know who you are.

This year, I’ve been fortunate enough to have Vicki Jorgensen agree to marry me. (God knows why)

That of course has meant a little more pressure to earn some extra squids to ensure we have a fantastic day which will be upon us in just 4 months! And we cannot wait to celebrate with everyone.

My son has continued to make us all very proud. At just 13, soon to be 14, he continues to be a very polite young man and his efforts at school and army cadets just blows my mind as to how grown up he has become already. He has already become a leader within his camp and provides some teaching to the newer cadets. I’m sure this will terrify me when the time comes for him to head out to another country with a gun in his hand, but at least I know he’s disciplined and focused. In this world, that seems to be rarer than ever before.

I’m feeling very lucky as we round up the year, but I know it’s not the same for everyone.

2022 has thrown in many more dilemmas and issues across our country.

Just when we thought we were heading away from the nightmare that was Covid, hoping of course for some sense of normality in our lives, we watched in shock as Russia declared war on Ukraine.

Take a moment here. The war started on the 24th of February!!

When we sit down on Christmas Eve and look forward to our fun-filled few days, we need to remember that an entire country will have been suffering from war for an insane 10 months.

They will have very little to celebrate, and a huge amount of them won’t even have their homes left to be able to rest and relax in. So please, let’s enjoy our time, but spare thoughts and if possible, any donations to those that have suffered worse than any of us for nearly the entire year.

Due to this, we are all suffering our own struggles with a cost of living crisis that seems to have escalated beyond belief.

I’ve not understood some of the price rises at all, but pretty much everything we need or want has risen in price to some degree. Obviously, there are the usual things such as petrol/diesel going sky high and only coming down a small amount. Then there are the rocketing costs of gas/oil and electricity.

I posted here about this a little while back. The greed of the major companies is quite disgusting and yet, they still just continue to get away with it.

I think my biggest worry/annoyance over it all is that typically, once these greedy massive companies (even including the likes of the big supermarkets) have put all the everyday prices up, they then don’t usually drop them back to where they would have been before the “situation”.

In this case, it’s all caused by the war. I’m pretty sure that when that calms down, there will be no sign of pricing coming back to where the majority of the population can afford it.

What’s being done about it? Seemingly nothing that I can see.

My hope is like many of you. That the war will end very soon, the madness of huge price increases will calm and become sensible again, and that 2023 will be MUCH better for so many people out there.

I’m signing out of this year as I’m now ready to try and switch off a little and spend some quality time with family and friends.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a hugely Happy New Year, and would ask you to all take a moment to think about those less fortunate in this difficult time.

See you in 2023!!

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