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The Reason For Being Here:

I'm not a writer!

But, if you think about it, who actually is when they're writing their first book, story or whatever you want to call this?

I'm pretty sure (in my head) you can't be called a writer until you have successfully published at least 2 articles or books? Agree? 

The simple fact is that we're all just moving through this thing called life, finding our own way and hopefully doing "OK" at it. 

I would imagine, a lot of you reading this (that's me assuming anyone is here right now) will probably feel similar. There's a small amount of ultimately rich. There's a lot of poverty. Then there's the rest of us. The bunch in the middle! Working. Sleeping. Trying to buy a house. Trying to get through and just about managing it with the odd hiccup along the way. 

What you're going to read here is really just my thoughts vs experiences and what I see on a daily basis. To confirm - These are my thoughts and no one elses! 

Within my blogs, you will find very randomly different topics. So, if one isn't your thing, or perhaps I'm boring you with it, please do feel free to just bin that bit and move on. I really don't mind! Some of my loves and likes might well be your hates or just bore you silly...

My main inspiration to start writing actually came from us watching a TV programme. (By "us" I mean my other half Vicki - Just putting that there as I will mention her a fair bit)

The programme consisted of a guy who had just published his first book and was being nagged by his publisher to produce a second. He was struggling for inspiration and took a holiday. He had an affair on the holiday and used that as his inspiration!

So, I started to think - If I wrote a book - what would be my story!? 

the simple fact is, I wouldn't be able to come up with a fictional story to save my life. It would end up talking about cars and Lego, and space etc...

Oh, hang on - there we go - I've already researched...

My experiences, loves, hates, all of it. Why not document things that probably ring true with millions of people around the world?

Another fear I had of writing a book is the simple fact of how do I fill so many pages!? 

Have you ever thought of writing something like that? If so, have you ever wondered where the page after page of inspiration comes from within an author's head? have I written enough here, have I written enough in that bit...etc etc. 

So, while sat here at my desk, tapping away on my laptop, I hope the words continue to flow, and the text isn't boring. And ultimately, I hope I make people laugh, smile, and nod their head in appreciation of my thoughts vs their own understanding of such things. My apologies if I offend anyone. I really don't mean to...

I should also mention here that I do not consider myself a bad person. I don't think I'm racist, ageist, sexist, or any other "ist".

I'm just me. If I do state anything here that seems a little on the "ist" side, sorry. It's just the way I think about it. It's not mean as an "ist"!

If you think about it, what makes a good or bad person? Personally, if you kill someone and you're not doing it for protection/military/police etc, then hell yeah, you're not great, are you!? 

But what are the rest of us like? Are we good or bad? Or are we just getting through things the best way we can?

What's good or bad to someone, is potentially completely different to someone a mile or two away doing similar things with a different mindset!

Yes, of course, I'm sure there will be plenty of religious folk out there who now want to rant at me about good and evil. Honestly, I'm not interested. 

I'm not religious by any means. Before you shout at me, that does not mean I don't necessarily believe there's something after this life, I'm just not willing to put all my eggs into the basket of "God". I'm more inclined to think about the science of things and that "are we alone" question...

This isn't all about me being right...

It's about me just saying my feelings and hopefully starting a little discussion in your head, if not with the people around you. You'll either agree or disagree.

So, here we go with my first blogs...


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